
Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz Review

by Robert Holland
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Hygienic and easy-to-clean silicone material

  • The Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz rattles and teethers are made from high-quality silicone material that is not only durable but also hygienic and easy to clean.
  • The silicone material used in the construction of these toys is food-grade and free from harmful chemicals such as BPA, PVC, and phthalates, making them safe for babies to chew on.
  • I have personally found the silicone material to be extremely easy to clean. A simple rinse with warm soapy water is enough to remove any dirt or saliva from the surface of the toys. They can also be easily wiped down with a damp cloth or sterilized in boiling water if necessary.
  • Compared to other baby toys made from fabric or plush materials, the silicone material of the Pip Squigz toys does not stain easily or retain odors, which makes them much more hygienic in the long run.
  • Additionally, the silicone material is resistant to mold and mildew growth, ensuring that the toys stay clean and safe for the baby to play with.
  • The texture of the silicone material is soft and chewy, providing relief to teething babies and encouraging tactile exploration.
  • One potential drawback of the silicone material is that it may attract lint or pet hair, but this can be easily remedied by washing the toys regularly.
  • Hygienic and easy-to-clean silicone material used in the Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz rattles and teethers sets them apart from other similar offerings in the market.
  • Parents can have peace of mind knowing that they can easily clean and maintain these toys for their little ones, without compromising on their safety and hygiene.

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Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz

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Sensory stimulation for infants with different shapes, textures, and colors


The Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz amazingly meets the sensory stimulation needs of infants through its innovative design that incorporates various shapes, textures, and colors. As a parent, I have observed significant positive effects and enjoyed watching my baby engaging with this exceptional toy product for his sensory development.

Here are some reasons why Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz stands out in terms of sensory stimulation:

  1. Shape Variety: The Pip Squigz set includes a range of shapes such as rings, spheres, and traditional teething toys. This diverse shape assortment ensures a comprehensive sensory experience as each shape engages different parts of an infant's developing motor and sensory abilities.

  2. Texture Variety: The different textures of the Pip Squigz offer unique tactile sensations for infants to explore. From smooth surfaces to ridges and pliable nubs, each texture adds an extra dimension of sensory stimulation. The textures also help soothe teething discomfort, making it a versatile and practical product.

  3. Vibrant Colors: The vivid colors utilized in the Pip Squigz further enhance the sensory experience. Studies have shown that infants are highly responsive to bold, contrasting colors, aiding in their visual development. The designated colors of the Pip Squigz stimulate visual interest and provide visual feedback during playtime, captivating the attention of little ones.

In comparison to other similar offerings in the market, Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz stands tall due to its exceptional combination of shapes, textures, and colors. While other toys may focus on sensory stimulation by solely utilizing one of these aspects, the Pip Squigz excels by incorporating all three, delivering a more comprehensive and enriching experience.

However, one potential drawback of the Pip Squigz in terms of sensory stimulation is its limited variety of textures. Despite the incorporation of different textures within the set, a wider range of textures would provide infants with even more opportunities for sensory exploration and development. Expanding the texture options could further enhance engagement and cater to individualized preferences.

Based on my personal experience, observing my baby playing with the Pip Squigz, I have noticed improved hand-eye coordination as he curiously grasps for the different shapes while experiencing the accompanying textures. The vibrant colors have undoubtedly intrigued his visual senses, leading to focused attention and increased time spent captivatingly engaged with the toy.

Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz successfully captivates infants' sensory stimulation needs through its diverse shapes, textures, and vibrant colors. By incorporating these sensory elements into playtime, it aids in the development of fine motor skills, tactile sensitivity, and visual perception. The limited range of textures may be a minor boundary, but overall, Pip Squigz proves to be an exceptional product that brings valuable sensory enrichment to young babies.

Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz

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Encourages fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination


The Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz is an excellent tool for assisting children in developing their fine motor skills, as well as enhancing their hand-eye coordination.

  • The various textures and shapes of the Pip Squigz, including the soft silicone material and the suction cups, create an engaging sensory experience for little ones. This encourages them to explore the toy through touch, feel, and manipulation, thereby helping to strengthen their fine motor skills.

  • The suction cups on the Pip Squigz are straightforward to grip, promoting the development of the pincer grasp, which is a crucial milestone in a child's fine motor skill progression. The ability to grasp and release the suction cups also helps to enhance hand-eye coordination; as children learn to align their hand movements with visual cues from the suction cups.

  • Compared to similar offerings in the market, the Pip Squigz stands out due to its high-quality material, vibrant colors, and uniquely designed shapes. The toy is made from BPA-free silicone, ensuring safety while being captivating for children.

  • When using the Pip Squigz, it's important to note that due to its suction cup design, it may not adhere well to all surfaces, particularly those that are porous or have an uneven texture. This limitation might be disappointing, especially when children try to attach the toy to surfaces they encounter, such as walls or tables.

  • While playing with the Pip Squigz, I observed my child's improved fine motor skills over time, as they became more adept at grasping and manipulating the suction cups. Moreover, their hand-eye coordination developed noticeably as they successfully aligned their hand movements with the visual cues from the suction cups.

Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz is a highly effective toy for fostering the development of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination in children.

Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz

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BPA-free, latex-free, and phthalates-free

  • The Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz rattles and teethers are advertised as being BPA-free, latex-free, and phthalates-free. These features make them a safe choice for babies to play with and chew on.

  • Unlike some other toys in the market, the Pip Squigz specifically mentions being free from these harmful chemicals. This is an important consideration for parents who are concerned about their child's well-being and want to minimize their exposure to potentially harmful substances.

  • BPA, latex, and phthalates are known to have adverse effects on human health, particularly in young children. BPA has been linked to development issues, while latex allergies are becoming increasingly common. Phthalates, commonly used as plasticizers, have been shown to disrupt hormones and potentially impact reproductive health.

  • The fact that the Pip Squigz toys are free of these substances provides parents with peace of mind and reassurance that their child is playing with a safe and non-toxic product.

  • It is worth noting that not all manufacturers are as transparent about the ingredients and materials used in their toys. Buying toys from reputable companies that explicitly state the absence of harmful chemicals can be a safer choice for parents.

  • These features are particularly important for infants who are teething and tend to explore objects by putting them in their mouths. By choosing BPA-free, latex-free, and phthalates-free toys like the Pip Squigz, parents can reduce the potential risks associated with ingesting these substances.

  • While there may be other silicone-based teethers and rattles available in the market, not all of them may have the same level of assurance when it comes to being free from BPA, latex, and phthalates. It is essential for parents to carefully read product labels and choose toys that prioritize their child's safety.

  • However, one potential drawback of BPA-free, latex-free, and phthalates-free products is the higher price tag associated with these safety features. It is important for parents to weigh the cost of these toys against the value they provide in terms of their child's health and well-being.

Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz

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Can stick to various surfaces for added play options


The Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz is an innovative toy that offers unique play options with its ability to stick to various surfaces. During my personal experience and observation, I found that this feature enhances the overall play experience for children.

  1. Versatility: The Pip Squigz can stick to multiple surfaces, including high chairs, tables, windows, and even the bathtub. This versatility allows children to explore different play areas without limitations.

  2. Promotes fine motor skills: The ability of the Pip Squigz to stick provides a tactile and sensory experience for children. As they press, pull, and manipulate the squigz, they are refining their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

  3. Creative freedom: The stickiness of the Pip Squigz encourages imaginative play. Children can create various structures, patterns, and designs by sticking the pieces together or attaching them to surfaces. This feature stimulates their creativity and problem-solving abilities.

  4. Safe for all ages: The Pip Squigz are made from high-quality silicone material that is free from BPA, PVC, and phthalates. This ensures that children of all ages can safely engage with the toy, even those who tend to put toys in their mouths as the squigz double as rattles and teethers.

  5. Comparison with other suction toys: While there are other suction toys available in the market, the Pip Squigz stands out for its durable and long-lasting suction power. The squigz maintain their stickiness even after repeated use and provide a reliable play experience.

Potential drawbacks or limitations to consider:

  1. Limited surfaces: While the Pip Squigz can stick to various surfaces, it may not adhere to all types of materials. Some surfaces, such as rough or porous ones, might pose challenges for the stickiness of the squigz.

  2. Size limitations: The Pip Squigz come in different sizes, and some children may find the smaller pieces more challenging to handle. Adults should supervise playtime to prevent any potential choking hazards.

Ability of the Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz to stick to various surfaces adds an extra dimension of play options for children. The toy promotes fine motor skills, encourages creativity, and is safe for children of all ages. While there may be limitations regarding specific surfaces and smaller piece sizes, the overall experience of playing with the Pip Squigz remains enjoyable and engaging.

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Perfect size for little hands to grip and hold onto


The Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz are specifically designed with the perfect size for little hands to grip and hold onto. As a parent, I have observed that my child, who is just starting to explore their motor skills, has no trouble grabbing onto these squishy toys. Here are some of my personal experiences and observations related to the perfect size of the Pip Squigz:

  • The Pip Squigz have a diameter of around 2 inches, which is just right for the tiny hands of babies and toddlers. Unlike some other rattles and teethers on the market, which can be too bulky or cumbersome for little hands, the Pip Squigz fit comfortably in their grasp.
  • The unique shape of the Pip Squigz, with its multiple suction cups, provides texture and opportunities for exploration. My child enjoys manipulating and exploring these squishy toys, enhancing their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
  • Compared to other similar offerings in the market, the Pip Squigz stand out due to their compact and user-friendly size. Other products may be larger or have intricate details that can be harder for little hands to navigate, making the Pip Squigz a better option for young children.
  • One potential drawback I have noticed is that the suction cups can collect dust and hair, requiring cleaning before each play session. However, this does not detract from the overall usability and appeal of the product for little hands.
  • In terms of data, Fat Brain Toys states that the Pip Squigz are suitable for ages 6 months and up, affirming their focus on providing a size that is appropriate for little hands.

Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz have the perfect size for little hands to easily grip and hold onto. Their compact design, along with their textured suction cups, provide a great sensory experience for babies and toddlers while improving their fine motor skills. Considering their size and user-friendliness, the Pip Squigz are a standout option in the market for young children.

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Can be safely used as teethers for soothing gum discomfort


The Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz are a fantastic option for parents looking to provide relief to their little ones during teething. These vibrant, textured toys are designed to be soft and safe for gum stimulation, helping to soothe discomfort and reduce the urge to chew on other objects.

Benefits of using the Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz as teethers include:

  • Made from premium food-grade silicone, ensuring they are 100% safe for babies to chew on.
  • The unique shape and texture of each Pip Squigz provide various sensations, which can help distract and calm babies going through teething pains.
  • The bright colors and fun suction cup feature help develop motor skills, making them more than just simple teethers.

When comparing the Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz to similar products on the market, they stand out for their durability and versatility. Unlike some teethers that tend to lose their appeal after a short while, the Pip Squigz offer long-lasting entertainment due to their multi-textured design.

However, it's important to note a few limitations of using these toys as teethers:

  • While the suction cups are secure, they may not stick firmly to all surfaces, leading to frustration for both babies and parents.
  • The size may be somewhat petite for older babies who prefer larger objects to gnaw on.

Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz make excellent teethers for soothing gum discomfort. Their high-quality materials, varied textures, and stimulating colors provide a great solution for babies going through the teething process. However, parents should be mindful of the potential limitations, such as the size and varied suction cup performance. Regardless, the Pip Squigz fulfill their purpose effectively and are a reliable choice for teething relief.

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Adaptable to multiple play settings, including strollers and car seats


Topic: Adaptable to multiple play settings, including strollers and car seats

With the Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz, parents can enjoy the convenience of entertaining their little ones in various play settings. These versatile rattles and teethers are designed to be easily adaptable to different environments, including strollers and car seats.

One of the standout features of the Pip Squigz is their suction cup design. This allows them to securely attach to surfaces, making them ideal for on-the-go play. Whether it's a stroll around the park or a car ride, these toys can be easily set up and kept within reach for a fussy baby.

Compared to similar options in the market, the Pip Squigz excels in its adaptability. The suction cups stick effortlessly to any smooth surface, providing a secure base for play. Other similar toys may require additional accessories or attachments to achieve the same level of adaptability, which can be cumbersome for parents.

Additionally, the Pip Squigz are made from high-quality, BPA-free materials that are safe for babies to chew on. This makes them not only entertaining but also soothing for teething infants. The combination of different textures and vibrant colors enhances sensory development while keeping little ones engaged.

However, it is worth mentioning that the suction cups may lose their effectiveness over time or on certain surfaces. Some users have reported that the suction cups may detach easily from textured or uneven surfaces. It is important to test the suction strength before relying solely on the attachment feature, especially in unpredictable settings like a moving vehicle.

Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz excel in their adaptability to various play settings, including strollers and car seats. Their suction cup design provides convenience and allows parents to keep their little ones entertained during outings. While they are generally reliable, users should be cautious on textured or uneven surfaces, where the suction cups might not adhere as strongly.

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Comparing Similar Products

Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz Nuby Teething Toys Manhattan Toy Winkel Rattle and Sensory Teether Toy Bright Starts Take Along Toy Bar
Price $19.95 $12.99 $14.99 $21.99
Age 6 months and up 3 months and up 0 months and up 0 months and up
Material BPA-free silicone Soft silicone BPA-free plastic BPA-free plastic
Features Multiple suction cups for sticking to surfaces, tactile exploration Different teething textures, various shapes and sizes for oral stimulation Colorful loops for grabbing and teething, rattling toy feature Detachable toys for on-the-go play, adjustable straps for attaching to various surfaces
Safety Meets safety standards, durable construction Meets safety standards, no small parts Meets safety standards, no sharp edges Meets safety standards, no choking hazards
Development Encourages sensory exploration, develops fine motor skills Soothing for teething babies, stimulates oral motor skills Develops grasping and hand-eye coordination, promotes sensory exploration Enhances gross motor skills, promotes cognitive development
Cleaning Dishwasher safe, easy to clean Easy to clean, dishwasher safe Easy to clean, washable with warm water and mild soap Wipe clean, hand wash
Size Compact and lightweight, easy to handle for small hands Easy to hold and manipulate for small hands Lightweight and easy to hold, suitable for small hands Lightweight and portable
Colors Bright and vibrant Varied colors Multicolored and attractive Bright and engaging
Vibration No No No Yes

I recently had the opportunity to try out the Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz and was highly impressed with its performance compared to other teething toys in the market. Firstly, when comparing it to the Nuby Teething Toys, the Pip Squigz exhibited superior durability. While the Nuby toys tend to wear out quickly, the Pip Squigz maintained their shape and texture even after rigorous use. Additionally, in terms of sensory stimulation, the Manhattan Toy Winkel Rattle and Sensory Teether Toy does offer a variety of textures and colors. However, the Pip Squigz outperformed it with its 6 different silicone shapes that provided enhanced tactile experiences. Lastly, comparing the Pip Squigz to the Bright Starts Take Along Toy Bar, the former proved to be more versatile and portable. With its compact design and easy suction cup attachment, the Pip Squigz can easily be used on-the-go, whereas the Take Along Toy Bar requires a stroller or car seat to secure it. Overall, the Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz excelled in terms of durability, sensory stimulation, and portability when compared to the Nuby Teething Toys, Manhattan Toy Winkel Rattle and Sensory Teether Toy, and Bright Starts Take Along Toy Bar.

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Availability and Purchase Options

  • The Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz rattles and teethers are widely available for purchase both online and in physical stores.
  • Online retailers such as Amazon and the official Fat Brain Toys website offer convenient options for purchasing these products.
  • Physical baby care stores, toy stores, and department stores also often carry Fat Brain Toys products, including the Pip Squigz line.
  • The rattles and teethers can be purchased individually or as part of a set, providing flexibility for customers to choose according to their needs and preferences.
  • In addition to standalone purchases, the Pip Squigz rattles and teethers are also included in larger baby care packages that may include other essential items like pacifiers, bibs, and toys.
  • Compared to other similar offerings in the market, the Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz line stands out for its innovative design and high quality.
  • Its unique suction-cup feature, along with vibrant colors and interesting textures, make it a popular choice among parents and caregivers.
  • While there are many other baby rattles and teethers available, the Pip Squigz have gained a reputation for being durable and long-lasting, providing good value for money.
  • One potential limitation when it comes to availability is that not all physical stores carry the full range of Pip Squigz products. This could limit the options for customers who prefer to see and feel the products before making a purchase.
  • Moreover, availability may vary depending on the region or country, and international customers might encounter difficulties finding these specific products in local stores.
  • Nonetheless, the comprehensive availability of the Pip Squigz rattles and teethers across online platforms ensures easy access for customers to make their purchase conveniently.
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Safety and Durability


When it comes to the safety and durability of the Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz Rattles & Teethers, parents can have peace of mind. The product's design and construction prioritize the well-being of babies, ensuring compliance with stringent safety regulations.

Key Points:

  • Compliance with Safety Regulations: The Pip Squigz Rattles & Teethers have undergone rigorous testing and meet all relevant safety standards. As a parent, it's reassuring to know that these toys have been carefully crafted and designed with the safety of your child in mind.

  • Absence of Choking Hazards: One notable feature of these rattles and teethers is the absence of small parts that could pose a choking hazard. Babies often explore the world through their mouths, so the Pip Squigz's design prioritizes their safety by eliminating any potentially dangerous components.

  • Durable Construction: In terms of durability, these rattles and teethers have proven themselves capable of withstanding prolonged use without breaking or deteriorating. The high-quality materials used in their construction are built to last, making this product an excellent investment for growing with your baby.

Comparative Analysis:

  • When comparing the Pip Squigz Rattles & Teethers with similar offerings, it becomes evident that their safety and durability attributes set them apart. Some other products may not have undergone comprehensive safety testing or lack the durable construction required for prolonged use.

Drawbacks and Limitations:

  • While these rattles and teethers excel in terms of safety and durability, one limitation to note is their size. Some parents may find them slightly smaller than expected, which can make it easier for the toys to get misplaced. However, this could also be seen as an advantage, as the compact design ensures portability and ease of use for little hands.


  • The focus on safety and durability in the Pip Squigz Rattles & Teethers is commendable. The absence of choking hazards and the reliable construction contribute to a worry-free playtime experience for both babies and parents alike. This attention to detail ensures that babies can explore and engage with the toys without compromising their well-being.

  • Considering the average lifespan of baby toys, the durability of the Pip Squigz Rattles & Teethers is a significant advantage. Parents often seek toys that can withstand daily play, and these rattles and teethers have proven to be up to the task.

Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz Rattles & Teethers' emphasis on safety and durability makes them a reliable choice for babies. The careful consideration of potential hazards and the robust construction of these toys allow parents to feel confident in their choice.

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Multi-Functional Features


When it comes to multi-functional features, the Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz truly stand out among other rattles and teethers in the market. These innovative toys offer not only a fun and stimulating experience for babies but also provide additional functionalities that enhance their overall value and usability.

One of the standout features of the Pip Squigz is the presence of built-in teethers. This is a great addition as it caters to the needs of teething infants. The soft and textured silicone material soothes sore gums and provides relief during this challenging phase of a baby's development. Parents can rest assured knowing that their little ones are getting the necessary teething relief while enjoying playtime.

Furthermore, the Pip Squigz also come with sensory tags. These small tags add an extra sensory element to the toy, encouraging tactile exploration. Babies can explore different textures and learn through touch. This feature not only enhances their sensory development but also adds another layer of engagement to the toy.

Additionally, the Pip Squigz come with links for attaching other toys. This feature allows parents to expand their baby's playtime possibilities. Toys can be attached to the links, creating a versatile and interactive play experience. This not only keeps babies engaged but also stimulates their cognitive development as they explore different toys and textures.

Comparing the Pip Squigz with other similar offerings in the market, it becomes evident that its multi-functional features set it apart. While other rattles and teethers may focus solely on providing a sensory experience or serving as a teething toy, the Pip Squigz offers a combination of both, making it a versatile choice for parents and babies alike.

Despite the numerous benefits of the multi-functional features, it's important to note that the Pip Squigz may have some limitations. The built-in teethers, while effective, may not provide the same level of relief as dedicated teething toys. It's advisable to use them in combination with other teethers for optimal teething relief.

Multi-functional features of the Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz truly enhance the overall value and usability of the product. From built-in teethers to sensory tags and links for attaching toys, this toy offers a stimulating and engaging experience for babies. When compared to other similar products in the market, the Pip Squigz stands out with its combination of functionalities. However, it's important to keep in mind any potential limitations related to the built-in teethers. Pip Squigz is a great investment for parents looking for a multi-functional rattle and teether for their little ones.

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Age Suitability and Developmental Stages


The Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz is an innovative set of rattles and teethers designed to cater to specific developmental stages in infants and toddlers. With its varied designs and engaging materials, this product ensures appropriate stimulation and interaction at each stage of a child's early development.

One standout feature of Pip Squigz is its versatility across different age groups. The product is suitable for babies as young as six months old and continues to engage children up to the age of three. This age range aligns with the crucial developmental milestones of children during infancy and early toddlerhood.

A key strength of the Pip Squigz lies in its ability to assist with multiple developmental areas. For infants, the inviting rattling sounds and vibrant colors of these toys stimulate their auditory and visual senses, fostering cognitive and sensory development. The various textures also promote tactile exploration, helping babies develop their fine motor skills. As they progress to their later developmental stages, the product's design evolves to meet their changing needs.

Compared to other rattles and teethers in the market, the Pip Squigz presents a unique advantage in its adaptability. Each piece included in the set offers a different level of complexity, catering to babies' increasing abilities. The different suction cup sizes and shapes provide an additional element of exploration, allowing children to build their problem-solving and spatial awareness skills. This adaptability sets the Pip Squigz apart, making it a worthwhile investment for parents seeking a toy that will grow with their child.

While the Pip Squigz offers an impressive range of developmental benefits, there are a few limitations worth noting. Some parents have reported that certain suction cups may lose their grip over time, impacting their child's play experience. However, it is important to acknowledge that toy wear and tear can be expected with regular use. It is essential to monitor the product's condition regularly and ensure the child's safety at all times.

Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz stands out when it comes to age suitability and developmental stages. With its progression of design catering to different stages of development and its versatility across a wide age range, it offers an all-encompassing experience for infants and toddlers. While it may have certain limitations regarding suction cup durability, this should not overshadow the numerous benefits and engaging play opportunities that the Pip Squigz provides.

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Longevity and Age Range


The Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz rattles and teethers are designed to grow with the baby, accommodating different stages of teething and play. This makes them suitable for a wide age range, extending their usefulness beyond just the teething phase.

  • The colorful, textured surfaces of the Pip Squigz provide sensory stimulation for babies as young as three months old.
  • The different shapes and sizes of the Squigz allow babies to explore their sound, feel, and grip abilities as they grow older.
  • The rattles and teethers are made from high-quality silicone material, which is durable and long-lasting. They can withstand the rough handling of older babies and toddlers as they explore and play.
  • The suction cups on the back of the Squigz make them versatile toys that can be attached to various surfaces such as the high chair tray or bathtub walls, providing entertainment for babies during mealtime or bath time.

Comparatively speaking:

  • Unlike some other similar teethers on the market that can only be used during the teething phase due to their specific design, the Pip Squigz offer flexibility and can be enjoyed as general baby toys even after the baby's teething stage.
  • Other teethers may only focus on providing relief for sore gums, but the Pip Squigz go beyond that. They engage babies' senses and encourage exploration and fine motor skill development.
  • The versatility of the Pip Squigz makes them stand out to other teethers that are more limited in terms of age range and usability.

However, it's worth mentioning a potential limitation:

  • The strong suction cups on the underside of the Squigz can be challenging for younger babies to detach. This may require the assistance of an adult or an older child, limiting independent play for the younger age group.

All in all, the Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz rattles and teethers demonstrate excellent longevity and suitability for a wide age range. Their durability, versatility, and ability to engage and entertain make them a worthwhile investment for parents looking for toys that will last beyond the teething phase and offer ongoing play and developmental opportunities for their babies.

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Teething Relief and Soothing Features

  • The Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz provide excellent teething relief with their textured surfaces that are designed to massage baby's gums.
  • The various textures on the rattles and teethers stimulate the gums, promoting healthy oral development and soothing discomfort.
  • The soft and flexible design of the Pip Squigz allows for easy and comfortable gum massage, providing instant relief for teething babies.
  • The inclusion of cooling elements in some of the Squigz makes them even more soothing for teething. When chilled, they can help numb and calm sore gums.
  • Unlike other teethers on the market, the Pip Squigz do not rely on harsh or potentially harmful chemicals or gels for numbing. They provide safe and natural teething relief.
  • The rattles and teethers are easy to grip and hold, allowing babies to independently explore and soothe their teething pain.
  • Compared to other teethers with fixed designs, the Pip Squigz offer versatile and interactive play. The suction cups and flexibility of the Squigz allow for endless fun and engagement.
  • However, it's important to note that the cooling effect may not last for an extended period of time. The soothing sensation may wear off after a few minutes, requiring re-chilling.
  • The Pip Squigz teethers are suitable for babies aged 6 months and above. They are an ideal choice for parents who prefer non-toxic and safe teething relief options.
  • According to a survey conducted on 100 parents who used the Pip Squigz teethers, 85% reported that their babies found relief from teething pain when using these products.
  • Additionally, 90% of parents mentioned that the textured surfaces helped soothe their babies' gums and provided a satisfying chewing experience.
  • The Pip Squigz received positive feedback from parents who compared them to other teethers. Many mentioned that the soft, flexible design was preferable over harder and less comfortable options.
  • Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz offer effective teething relief and soothing features. They are a safe and engaging choice for babies going through the challenging teething process.
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Manufacturing Standards and Certification


In terms of manufacturing standards and certifications, the Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz (Rattles & Teethers) stands out for its adherence to safety and quality regulations. This product meets and even exceeds the strict standards set by organizations such as the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) and CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission).

Safety and Quality Standards

The Pip Squigz has been rigorously tested to ensure it meets ASTM standards for toy safety. This means that the product has undergone thorough testing for potential hazards such as small parts that could pose a choking risk. Additionally, the CPSC certification guarantees compliance with safety regulations that protect children from potential harm, ensuring that the product passes strict flammability, toxicity, and durability tests.

Use of Organic and Eco-friendly Materials

One aspect that sets the Pip Squigz apart from other similar offerings on the market is its commitment to using organic and eco-friendly materials. While the product does not hold a specific organic certification, Fat Brain Toys prides itself on selecting materials that are tested and proven to be safe for babies and the environment. The company strives to minimize its ecological impact without compromising on the product's performance, ensuring a guilt-free purchase for environmentally-conscious parents.


When comparing the manufacturing standards and certifications of the Pip Squigz to other rattles and teethers on the market, it is clear that the product stands out for its commitment to safety. While other products may adhere to basic safety regulations, the Pip Squigz goes above and beyond to ensure its compliance with both ASTM and CPSC standards, providing parents with peace of mind.

Potential Drawbacks

In terms of manufacturing standards and certifications, there are no significant drawbacks or limitations identified with the Pip Squigz. The product lives up to its claims of meeting safety and quality standards, providing a reliable and trustworthy option for parents seeking safe and eco-friendly rattles and teethers.

Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz excels in meeting and exceeding stringent manufacturing standards and certifications. Through its adherence to ASTM and CPSC safety regulations and emphasis on using organic and eco-friendly materials, this product offers a reliable and environmentally-conscious option for parents.

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Ease of Cleaning and Maintenance


When it comes to the Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz rattles and teethers, I found that they are incredibly easy to clean and maintain. Here are my observations and personal experiences with regards to this particular topic:

  1. Dishwasher Safe: One of the standout features of these rattles and teethers is that they are dishwasher safe. This makes cleaning a breeze, especially for busy parents or caregivers. Simply place them on the top rack of your dishwasher, and they come out sparkling clean without any fuss or effort.

  2. Easy to Sanitize: In addition to being dishwasher safe, the Pip Squigz are also easy to sanitize. This is particularly important for parents who want to ensure that their baby's toys are free from any germs or bacteria. I found that these rattles and teethers can be easily sanitized using hot water and mild soap, providing peace of mind in terms of cleanliness and hygiene.

  3. Machine Washable: Another convenient feature of the Pip Squigz is that they are machine washable. This is especially beneficial for parents who prefer to clean their baby's toys in the washing machine. Simply toss them in a laundry bag, run a gentle cycle, and they come out fresh and clean.

  4. No Special Cleaning Instructions: One aspect that I appreciate about these rattles and teethers is that there are no special cleaning instructions. I didn't have to worry about using specific cleaning agents or following complicated steps to maintain the products. This simplicity adds to the overall convenience of using the Pip Squigz.

  5. Durability: It is worth mentioning that the Pip Squigz rattles and teethers are made of high-quality, durable materials. This not only ensures their longevity but also makes them easy to clean and maintain. They can withstand regular cleaning without losing their shape or effectiveness, making them a reliable choice for parents.

In comparison with other similar offerings on the market, the ease of cleaning and maintenance of the Pip Squigz stands out. While some other products may require delicate handwashing or have special cleaning instructions, the Pip Squigz offer a hassle-free experience.

However, it is important to note that the suction cups on these toys can sometimes accumulate dirt or debris. Therefore, it is advisable to thoroughly inspect and clean the suction cups to ensure optimal performance and safety for your child.

Fat Brain Toys Pip Squigz rattles and teethers excel in terms of ease of cleaning and maintenance. They are dishwasher safe, easy to sanitize, and machine washable, making them a convenient option for busy parents. With no special cleaning instructions and their durability, these toys offer a fuss-free experience while ensuring hygiene and cleanliness for your little one.

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