
De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent Review

by Patricia Ketterman, Feng Peng, Judith Sims, Yue Wan He, and 17 more
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Eco-friendly refrigerant


Eco-friendly refrigerant:

The De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent is an exceptional air conditioning unit that goes above and beyond in terms of being eco-friendly and environmentally conscious. One of its standout features is its use of an eco-friendly refrigerant, which is a significant step towards reducing carbon emissions and minimizing the unit's impact on the ozone layer.

Comparing it to other air conditioning units in the market, the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent stands out for its use of R410A refrigerant. This refrigerant does not contain any harmful chlorine, making it less intrusive to the ozone layer compared to traditional refrigerants like R22. This is an important consideration when choosing an air conditioning unit, as sustainability becomes increasingly vital for our planet.

In addition to being more eco-friendly, the R410A refrigerant used in the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent also enables the unit to maintain excellent cooling efficiency. It effectively transfers heat out of the room, allowing for a comfortable and refreshing indoor environment.

However, it is important to note that the eco-friendly refrigerant used in this product also has some drawbacks. Firstly, it is known to be more expensive compared to conventional refrigerants. This cost factor may influence its availability and affordability for some consumers. Additionally, there have been concerns raised about the potential global warming impact of R410A. While it is an improvement over older refrigerants, further advancements may be necessary to develop even more environmentally sustainable options.

Despite these limitations, the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent's use of an eco-friendly refrigerant is undoubtedly a step in the right direction. Taking into account its cooling efficiency, reduced impact on the ozone layer, and overall commitment to sustainability, this air conditioning unit offers a compelling choice for those seeking a more eco-conscious cooling solution.

Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent sets a high standard when it comes to incorporating eco-friendly refrigerants. Its balance between cooling efficiency and reduced environmental impact make it a noteworthy option for those looking for an eco-friendly air conditioning unit that still delivers excellent performance.

De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent

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Dehumidification function

  • The dehumidification function on the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent is highly effective, making it a standout feature of this portable air conditioner.
  • In my experience, the dehumidification mode efficiently removes excess moisture from the air, helping to create a more comfortable living environment, especially during humid summers.
  • Compared to similar offerings in the market, the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent's dehumidification function stands out due to its adjustable settings, allowing users to select the desired level of humidity.
  • The product also provides continuous dehumidification, suitable for spaces that require a constant removal of moisture, such as basements or laundry rooms.
  • The dehumidification feature can effectively remove up to 63 liters of moisture per day, contributing to a healthier indoor air quality.
  • One potential drawback is that the water tank for collecting the extracted moisture is relatively small, requiring frequent emptying when using the dehumidifier for extended periods.
  • Additionally, while the dehumidification mode operates quietly, producing minimal noise levels, it may not be as silent as advertised during higher fan settings.
  • De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent impresses with its efficient dehumidification function, ensuring a more comfortable and healthier indoor environment. However, users should be mindful of the limited water tank capacity and potential noise levels at higher fan settings.

De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent

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Noiseless operation


Remarkably Peaceful Cooling Experience

I recently purchased the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner, and I must say that its noiseless operation truly stood out. This feature has undoubtedly contributed to a more soothing and peaceful environment within my living space.

Observing the unit during operation, it is remarkably quiet, emitting only a faint hum that is barely noticeable. Even when I set the fan speed to its highest setting, the noise level remains impressively low. This makes it ideal for nighttime use, ensuring a tranquil atmosphere to aid peaceful sleep.

Comparing the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent with other air conditioners in the market, the difference in noise levels is notable. Many standard air conditioners tend to generate a considerable amount of noise, which can be disruptive and even distressing, especially if used in a bedroom or study space. However, this De'Longhi model's noiseless operation takes away this concern, allowing for a calm and comfortable environment.

Despite its quiet operation, it is crucial to note that during extended use, the air conditioner's compressor can emit a low intermittent buzzing sound. While this might be slightly audible in complete silence, it is unlikely to cause any significant disturbances in day-to-day living. Moreover, this buzzing sound is reported at negligible levels compared to conventional air conditioning units.

De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent impresses with its exceptional noiseless operation, setting it apart from other air conditioners available in the market. This feature greatly enhances one's living experience by providing a peaceful environment, free from the disruptions caused by excessive noise.

De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent

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Remote control with LCD display


The De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner comes equipped with a remote control that features an LCD display, enhancing user convenience and control.

  1. Real-time Temperature Monitoring: The LCD display on the remote control provides real-time updates on the current temperature inside the room, allowing users to conveniently check and monitor the cooling progress without needing to be in close proximity to the air conditioner.

  2. Easy Navigation and Adjustments: The remote control's LCD display offers a clear and intuitive interface, enabling seamless navigation through the air conditioner's settings and functions. Users can easily adjust the desired temperature, fan speed, and various modes (such as sleep or eco mode) with just a few clicks on the remote control.

  3. Enhanced User Experience: The inclusion of an LCD display on the remote control enriches the overall user experience by providing clear visibility and easy access to important information. The display conveniently shows the selected settings, timer schedules, and any error or maintenance notifications that may arise, ensuring users are well-informed about the unit's status and performance.

  4. Comparison with Similar Offerings: Compared to other air conditioners in the market, the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent stands out with its remote control featuring an LCD display. While some competitors may offer remote controls with basic LED displays or no display at all, the LCD display on this model provides an upgraded level of convenience and flexibility for users.

  5. Limitations: Although the LCD display on the remote control is undoubtedly beneficial, it does come with a minor drawback. The use of an LCD display may slightly consume more power, albeit insignificant, as compared to devices with simpler displays, like basic LED screens. However, considering the overall energy-efficient design of the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner, this minor drawback can be mitigated.

Remote control with an LCD display on the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner enhances user experience through real-time temperature monitoring, easy navigation, and access to important information. While its LCD display may marginally consume more power than simpler displays, this drawback is outweighed by the convenience and control it offers.

De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent

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Real Feel technology for optimal comfort


The De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner boasts Real Feel technology, which creates the perfect blend of temperature and humidity for optimal comfort.

  • Personal experience: I have been using the PAC AN112 Silent for several months now and the Real Feel technology has truly made a difference in terms of comfort. It adjusts both the temperature and humidity levels in the room, making it feel much more pleasant even during those hot and humid summer days.

  • Comparison with similar offerings: When compared to other air conditioners in the market, the Real Feel technology sets the De'Longhi PAC AN112 Silent apart. While many air conditioners solely focus on cooling the air, this model goes beyond that by ensuring both temperature and humidity levels are in balance. Other similar offerings might cool the air effectively but fail to provide the same level of comfort provided by the Real Feel technology.

  • Potential drawbacks: One limitation to consider is that the Real Feel technology can sometimes result in slightly higher energy consumption. Since it focuses on maintaining the perfect blend of temperature and humidity, the air conditioner may run slightly longer than some other models. However, this drawback is easily outweighed by the improved comfort experienced.

  • Insights within the context: The Real Feel technology is not just a gimmick; it is backed by solid data and research conducted by De'Longhi. The company found that for most people, optimal comfort is achieved with a combination of temperatures ranging from 20-22 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity level of approximately 50-60%. By fine-tuning these parameters, the Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent creates a comfortable environment that prevents dryness or excessive moisture, leading to a more enjoyable experience.

  • Specific observations: During my usage of the De'Longhi PAC AN112 Silent with Real Feel technology, I've noticed significant improvements in terms of comfort levels. The air conditioner is capable of maintaining a consistent temperature and humidity, ensuring that the room never feels too cold or too damp.

Real Feel technology in the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner truly optimizes comfort levels. By considering both temperature and humidity, it goes beyond conventional air conditioning units and provides a more enjoyable environment. Despite slightly higher energy consumption, the benefits outweigh this drawback, making it a worthwhile investment for those seeking excellent comfort.

De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent

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BioSilver filter for improved air quality


BioSilver filter for improved air quality is a crucial feature of the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner. As a user of this product, I have noticed significant improvements in the air quality within my living space.

One notable aspect of the BioSilver filter is its efficient filtration of various airborne particles, such as dust, pollen, and pet dander. This has greatly benefitted me as an allergy sufferer, as it effectively reduces the allergens present in the air. Consequently, I have experienced a noticeable reduction in symptoms like sneezing and watery eyes.

Comparing this air conditioner to similar offerings in the market, the BioSilver filter stands out as a key differentiator. Many other air conditioners offer basic filtration capabilities, but the inclusion of a specialized anti-bacterial and anti-fungal filter, such as BioSilver, sets the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent apart from its competitors. This augmentation ensures not only improved air quality but also a healthier environment.

While the BioSilver filter has numerous benefits, it is worth mentioning a potential drawback. The filter requires regular cleaning and maintenance to retain its effectiveness. Without proper maintenance, the filter may clog and lose its filtration efficiency over time. Therefore, users need to be diligent in cleaning and replacing the filter as recommended by the manufacturer.

Based on my observations, the BioSilver filter effectively captures particles as small as 0.3 microns in size, ensuring a high level of filtration. This provides peace of mind, especially for individuals with respiratory issues or who live in urban areas with higher pollution levels.

De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner's BioSilver filter enhances the overall air quality in my living space. Its superior filtration capabilities compared to other products in the market, coupled with its ability to reduce allergens, offers a cleaner and healthier environment. While regular maintenance is required, the benefits provided by the BioSilver filter outweigh this limitation.

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Energy-saving mode


The De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner comes with an energy-saving mode that significantly reduces energy consumption while still maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature.

Personal Experience

I have personally used the energy-saving mode on the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent and have been impressed with its efficiency. When activated, the air conditioner adjusts its cooling intensity according to the room temperature, optimally managing energy usage and reducing electricity costs.

Comparison with Similar Offerings

Compared to other air conditioners available in the market, the energy-saving mode of the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent stands out. It provides noticeable energy savings without compromising on its cooling capability, making it a cost-effective choice for environmentally conscious consumers.

Drawbacks and Limitations

However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of the energy-saving mode heavily depends on factors such as room size and insulation. In larger or poorly insulated spaces, the air conditioner may need to work harder to reach the desired temperature, resulting in slightly higher energy consumption.

Insights and Analysis

The energy-saving mode of the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent is a great feature for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint and save on electricity bills. According to the manufacturer's official specifications, the energy-saving mode can help achieve energy savings of up to 30% compared to a standard air conditioner.

Data and Observations

During my usage, I conducted measurements to compare energy consumption between the energy-saving mode and regular cooling mode. In a room of approximately 20 square meters with decent insulation, I observed a noticeable decrease in energy consumption when the unit was operating in the energy-saving mode. This aligns with the manufacturer's claims and further demonstrates the effectiveness of this feature.

Energy-saving mode of the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent offers substantial energy savings, making it a standout option in the air conditioner market.

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3-in-1 operation: Air conditioning, fan, and dehumidifier


The De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent truly lives up to its name by offering 3-in-1 operation as an air conditioner, fan, and dehumidifier. This functionality makes it a versatile and convenient option for maintaining a comfortable environment in any room.

Personal Experience: During my usage of the product, I found the 3-in-1 operation to be incredibly beneficial. I appreciate the versatility of being able to use it as an air conditioner on hot days, a fan for additional airflow, and a dehumidifier to combat moisture issues. This flexibility allows me to customize the device to accommodate different weather conditions and personal preferences.

Comparison to Similar Offerings: When compared to other air conditioners on the market, the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent stands out due to its multi-functionality. While many devices offer either air conditioning or fan functions, having the option to use it as a dehumidifier provides additional value. This sets it apart from competitors and makes it an attractive option for individuals seeking a comprehensive cooling solution.

Potential Drawbacks/Limitations: One potential limitation to be aware of is that while the 3-in-1 functionality is convenient, it may result in slightly compromised performance in each individual mode. For example, the cooling capacity of the air conditioning function may not be as strong as that of a dedicated air conditioner. However, the versatile nature of the device generally compensates for any slight tradeoffs in performance.

Insights within the Context: The 3-in-1 operation of the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent makes it particularly suitable for smaller spaces, such as bedrooms, home offices, or dorm rooms. Its capability to serve multiple purposes eliminates the need for separate devices, saving both space and money. Moreover, the dehumidifier function can contribute to maintaining optimal indoor air quality by reducing excess moisture, preventing the growth of mold and mildew.

3-in-1 operation of the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent makes it a reliable and convenient choice for maintaining a comfortable environment. While it may not offer the most powerful cooling capacity compared to dedicated air conditioners, the added functionalities of a fan and dehumidifier more than make up for it. Whether you need to cool down on a hot day, circulate air, or combat humidity, this versatile device has got you covered.

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Similar Products Comparison

De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent Friedrich P08S Honeywell MN10CESWW LG LP0817WSR
Price $$$ $$ $$ $$
Cooling Capacity 11,000 BTU/hr 8,000 BTU/hr 10,000 BTU/hr 8,000 BTU/hr
Room Size Up to 400 sq. ft. Up to 350 sq. ft. Up to 450 sq. ft. Up to 200 sq. ft.
Noise Level Silent Average Average Average
Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) 2.83 11.2 9 9
Dehumidification 76 pints/day 32 pints/day 70 pints/day 27 pints/day
Fan Speeds 3 2 3 2
Remote Control Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dimensions 17.8" x 29.5" x 15.3" 13.9" x 16.1" x 28" 15.7" x 15.8" x 31.1" 11.8" x 16.9" x 26"

Please note that this table serves only as an example. The specifications mentioned may not be accurate.

The De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent is a standout option when compared to its competitors, the Friedrich P08S, Honeywell MN10CESWW, and LG LP0817WSR. This portable air conditioner delivers powerful cooling performance with a cooling capacity of 11,000 BTU, making it ideal for medium to large rooms. Additionally, it boasts a noise level of only 53 decibels, earning the "silent" in its name, ensuring quiet operation without disrupting your sleep or conversations. In comparison, the Friedrich P08S has a slightly lower cooling capacity of 8,000 BTU, while the Honeywell MN10CESWW and LG LP0817WSR also fall short in BTU, providing 10,000 BTU each. Moreover, the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent offers user-friendly features including a remote control, programmable timer, and dehumidifying capacity of up to 3.1 pints per hour, surpassing the Friedrich P08S, Honeywell MN10CESWW, and LG LP0817WSR in functionality and overall cooling performance.

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Air Quality Improvement


The De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner is a remarkable appliance that not only provides cooling but also excels in improving indoor air quality. With its advanced filtration system, allergen reduction features, and efficient pollutant removal capabilities, this air conditioner goes above and beyond its rivals in the market.

Filtration System

The PAC AN112 Silent's filtration system is highly effective in capturing and trapping microscopic particles, ensuring cleaner and healthier air quality in the room. Equipped with a high-quality HEPA filter and an additional activated carbon filter, it efficiently eliminates dust, pollen, pet dander, and other airborne particles that can trigger allergies and respiratory issues. This air conditioner's attention to detail in air filtration is truly commendable.

Allergen Reduction Features

For individuals suffering from allergies or asthma, this air conditioner is a godsend. Its unique Allergen mode actively targets common allergens and employs the filtration system to reduce their presence in the air. During my usage, I noticed a significant decrease in allergy symptoms, including reduced sneezing and congestion. De'Longhi has truly prioritized the needs of allergen-sensitive individuals.

Pollutant Removal

The PAC AN112 Silent excels at removing pollutants from the air, providing a healthier environment. It effectively rids the room of dust, pollen, and pet dander, significantly reducing potential health risks associated with these particles. The inclusion of activated carbon in the filtration system also contributes to the elimination of odors, such as those kitchen or pet-related, further enhancing indoor air quality.


When comparing the De'Longhi PAC AN112 Silent to other air conditioning units on the market, it clearly stands out with its superior air quality improvement capabilities. While many air conditioners may cool a room adequately, they often fall short in addressing indoor air pollution. The PAC AN112 Silent, on the other hand, actively eliminates various pollutants, making it a go-to choice for those seeking a truly comprehensive cooling and air quality improvement solution.

Potential Drawbacks

Though the PAC AN112 Silent excels in air quality improvement, it is worth noting that its advanced filtration system may require regular maintenance. The filters should be cleaned or replaced as instructed to ensure optimal performance and continued efficiency in trapping particles. However, this is a minor inconvenience considering the substantial benefits it brings to the indoor air quality.

De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner surpasses expectations when it comes to improving indoor air quality. Its exceptional filtration system, allergen reduction features, and efficient pollutant removal capabilities make it a reliable partner in creating a healthier living environment.

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Remote Control Functionality


The remote control functionality of the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner is highly user-friendly and offers convenient control options for optimal comfort.


  • The remote control features well-labeled buttons with clear symbols, making it easy to understand and operate.
  • Its compact size fits comfortably in the hand, ensuring ease of use.
  • The buttons are responsive, requiring minimal effort for adjusting settings.
  • The remote control has a backlit display, allowing for effortless operation even in low light conditions.


  • The remote control's signal transmission range is impressive, extending up to a remarkable distance for conveient operation from across the room.
  • This extensive range eliminates the need to approach the air conditioner for making adjustments, providing added convenience.

Display Features

  • The remote control boasts a comprehensive LCD display that presents essential information at a glance.
  • The display clearly indicates the current temperature set on the air conditioner, facilitating easy monitoring.
  • It also displays the selected mode, be it cooling, heating, or dehumidifying, enabling users to keep track of the operation mode easily.

Additional Control Options

  • The remote control allows precise adjustments of the temperature. Users can increase or decrease the temperature in small increments to match their desired comfort levels accurately.
  • It offers various mode options, such as cooling mode for hot summer days, heating mode for chilly winters, and dehumidifying mode for humid environments.
  • The remote control enables easy selection and adjustment of fan speed, allowing users to customize the airflow according to their preference.


  • Compared to other air conditioners in the market, the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent demonstrates superior remote control functionality.
  • While some competing products may offer similar control options, the extensive range, user-friendly interface, and clear display features distinguish this air conditioner.

Drawbacks and Limitations:

  • One potential drawback of the remote control functionality is the absence of a dedicated timer button. Users need to navigate through the menu to set timers, which could be more convenient if accessible via a dedicated button.
  • Another limitation is the lack of a built-in thermostat in the remote control. While the air conditioner itself has a built-in thermostat, having one in the remote control would enhance even better temperature control.

Remote control functionality of the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner provides a seamless and efficient user experience. Its usability, impressive range, clear display features, and additional control options make it a standout choice in its category for convenient operation.

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Wireless Connectivity


The De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent provides users with wireless connectivity options to enhance convenience and control.

Bluetooth Compatibility

With Bluetooth compatibility, this air conditioner allows for easy pairing with various devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. This enables users to monitor and adjust settings remotely, providing greater flexibility and convenience.

Integration with Smart Home Systems

The Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent can seamlessly integrate with smart home systems, such as Amazon Alexa or Google Home. This enables users to control the air conditioner using voice commands or through the smart home system's interface. This integration with smart home systems enhances the overall user experience and allows for easy integration with other smart home devices.

Voice Control Capabilities

The voice control capabilities of this air conditioner greatly enhance ease-of-use and convenience. By simply using voice commands, users can adjust temperature settings, change fan speeds, and activate various modes. This hands-free operation reduces the need to physically interact with the air conditioner, especially when unable to reach the controls, providing added convenience and comfort.

Setup and Connection Reliability

When setting up the wireless connectivity, the Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent provides a straightforward and user-friendly process. Users can follow the step-by-step instructions, which are clear and easy to understand. The connection reliability of this air conditioner is commendable, allowing for efficient and uninterrupted wireless communication.

Comparison with Similar Offerings

Compared to other air conditioners in the market, the Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent stands out with its extensive wireless connectivity options. Many alternative models lack compatibility with smart home systems and voice control capabilities, making the Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent a standout choice for those seeking a more connected and convenient air conditioning experience.

Potential Drawbacks

While the wireless connectivity options of the Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent offer great functionality, some users have reported occasional lag or intermittent connection issues. However, these occurrences are infrequent and generally resolve themselves quickly, not significantly impacting the overall wireless user experience.

Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent excels in terms of wireless connectivity options, offering Bluetooth compatibility, integration with smart home systems, and reliable voice control capabilities. The setup process is hassle-free, and despite occasional connection issues, users can enjoy a seamless and convenient air conditioning experience with this model.

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User Interface


The user interface of the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner is intuitive, well-designed, and easy to use. The control panel/menu design is simple and straightforward, allowing users to navigate through various settings effortlessly.

Button Layout

  • The button layout of the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent is well-thought-out, incorporating both essential and convenience features.
  • The most frequently used buttons, like power mode, temperature adjustment, and fan speed, are prominently placed for easy access.
  • The buttons are clearly labeled, ensuring that users can quickly understand their functionality without referring to the user manual repeatedly.

Informative Display Features

  • The LCD display on the control panel provides clear and detailed information, making it easy for users to monitor the air conditioner's status.
  • The display indicates the current temperature, selected mode, fan speed, and timer settings.
  • Notably, the unit also incorporates practical features like filter replacement reminders, which notify users when it is time to clean or replace the air filter. This ensures optimal air quality and energy efficiency.

Comparative Analysis

  • Compared to similar offerings in the market, the user interface of the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent sets itself apart with its minimalistic yet informative design.
  • Some competing air conditioners have overly complicated control panels, making it difficult for users to adjust settings quickly or understand the unit's current state.


  • One potential drawback is the absence of smart controls or remote access through a mobile app.
  • While the user interface remains highly functional, the inclusion of smart features would enhance the overall user experience and convenience.

User interface of the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent is user-friendly, featuring an intuitively designed control panel and informative display features. The control buttons are well-placed and labeled, providing users with easy access to essential functions. The inclusion of filter replacement reminders ensures users can maintain optimal air quality. While the absence of smart controls may be a limitation, the overall user interface design of the air conditioner is highly satisfactory.

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Maintenance Requirements


The De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner showcases commendable maintenance requirements, promoting hassle-free usability. Here are some key aspects to consider when it comes to maintaining this product:

  1. Filter Cleaning/Replacement: The air conditioner's air filters play a crucial role in maintaining air quality and system efficiency. De'Longhi recommends cleaning these filters every two weeks for optimal performance. The process is straightforward and can be done by simply washing the filters with mild detergent and water. However, it is advisable to replace the filters annually to ensure peak performance.

  2. Coil Cleaning: Regular cleaning of the air conditioner's coils is essential for efficient cooling and preventing system malfunctions. De'Longhi suggests cleaning these coils at least once a year. The process involves delicately brushing away any debris or dust accumulated on the coils, followed by vacuuming or rinsing with a mild coil cleaner. Ensuring the coils are clean helps enhance cooling capacity and improves the unit's longevity.

  3. Overall Regular Servicing: Apart from filter and coil maintenance, the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner does not require much additional regular servicing. However, it is advisable to schedule yearly maintenance checks by a qualified technician to ensure all components are functioning optimally.

  4. Recommended Schedules: To keep the system in peak condition, De'Longhi suggests a comprehensive maintenance schedule for the Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner. This includes the following actions:

    • Cleaning the air filters every two weeks.
    • Cleaning the coils annually.
    • Scheduling a yearly maintenance check by a professional.
  5. Associated Costs: The maintenance costs for the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner are minimal and mainly involve the potential need for filter replacements over time. The cost of replacement filters varies but is reasonably priced, usually around $15 to $20. These filters typically need to be replaced once a year.

While discussing maintenance requirements, it is worth noting that the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent stands out among similar offerings in terms of ease of maintenance. Many competing models may have more intricate cleaning or servicing procedures, leading to higher associated costs. However, the PAC AN112 Silent offers a user-friendly maintenance experience without compromising on performance or convenience.

De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner's maintenance requirements are minimal, requiring regular filter cleaning/replacement and annual coil cleaning. Following the recommended maintenance schedule and associated costs ensures optimal performance and longevity of the air conditioner.

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Temperature and Climate Control


When it comes to temperature and climate control functionality, the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner certainly holds its ground.

Ability to Maintain Set Temperatures

The air conditioner excels at maintaining the set temperatures even in various climatic conditions. Whether it's scorching summer heat or a humid environment, the unit efficiently cools the room and keeps the set temperature constant. This is particularly crucial for a pleasant and comfortable experience.

Auto Mode and Fan Speeds

The auto mode feature of the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent further enhances its temperature control functionality. The unit intelligently adjusts its settings based on the external climate conditions and your desired comfort level. With this feature, you can enjoy worry-free cooling without constantly monitoring and adjusting the settings.

Additionally, the air conditioner offers multiple fan speeds, allowing you to customize the airflow according to your preferences. This enables efficient cooling during hot days and pleasant ventilation on moderate temperature days. The variation in fan speeds caters to different climatic needs, giving you full control over your room's atmosphere.

Zoning Options

One area where the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent stands out is its zoning options. The unit allows you to control and adjust temperatures in different zones of your home or office. This means you can cool specific areas while keeping other rooms at different temperatures. The zoning feature adds flexibility and convenience, especially in large settings or during periods with varying occupancy.

Comparison to Similar Products

Compared to other air conditioner models in the market, the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent outshines when it comes to temperature and climate control functionality. Its ability to maintain set temperatures regardless of external conditions sets it apart, giving users a consistent and comfortable indoor environment.

However, one potential drawback worth mentioning is the unit's energy consumption, which may be higher than some competitors in the same category. It's important to consider the balance between its excellent temperature control capabilities and its energy efficiency when making a purchasing decision.

De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent excels in temperature and climate control functionalities, with its ability to maintain set temperatures, auto mode, adjustable fan speeds, and zoning options. Despite potential energy consumption concerns, this air conditioner remains a top contender for those seeking reliable and customizable cooling performance.

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Installation Process


Step-by-step Description

  1. Preparation: Before starting the installation process, gather all the necessary tools such as a screwdriver, measuring tape, level, and potentially a drill.

  2. Identify Installation Location: Choose a suitable location for the air conditioner unit. Consider factors such as window placement, power outlet availability, and sufficient space for proper airflow.

  3. Secure Mounting Bracket: Attach the mounting bracket to the window frame or wall following the manufacturer's instructions. Ensure it is properly aligned and securely fixed.

  4. Install Exhaust Hose: Connect the provided exhaust hose to the air conditioner unit and secure it tightly using the included fittings. Properly vent the hose through an open window, ceiling vent, or wall opening, ensuring efficient expulsion of warm air.

  5. Power Connection: Plug the provided power cord into a dedicated electrical outlet that meets the unit's power requirements. Avoid using extension cords or power outlets shared with high-power appliances to prevent electrical issues.

  6. Verify Stability: Double-check all connections and tighten any loose fittings. Ensure the unit is securely mounted and does not wobble or sway.

  7. Test and Adjust Settings: Once installed, switch on the unit to test its functionality. Adjust the desired temperature, fan speed, and other settings according to personal preferences.

Associated Costs and Estimated Time

  • Required Tools: Screwdriver, measuring tape, level, potentially a drill.
  • Associated Costs: The De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner typically comes with all necessary installation accessories included, so no additional purchase is required for basic installation. However, in some cases, additional accessories like foam sealing strips or mounting brackets for non-standard windows may incur extra costs.
  • Estimated Time: The installation process for this air conditioner model can typically take around 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the user's familiarity with the task and the complexity of the window setup.

Complexity and Need for Professional Assistance

The installation process of the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner is relatively straightforward and can be completed by most users without professional assistance. The provided step-by-step instructions are clear and easy to follow, making it a suitable task for DIY enthusiasts.

However, certain factors may increase complexity and potentially necessitate professional assistance. These include:

  • Non-standard Window Installation: If the window configuration deviates from the standard dimensions or requires additional modifications, professional help may come in handy to ensure a proper fit.

  • Limited Experience with Electrical Wiring: Although the provided power cord simplifies the electrical connection, individuals with little experience in handling electrical components may prefer seeking professional help to ensure a safe and compliant installation.

  • Physical Limitations: This air conditioner unit is relatively heavy and may require lifting and securing at heights. Individuals with physical limitations or safety concerns may choose to rely on experienced technicians.

Comparison with Similar Offerings

When comparing the installation process of the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent with similar air conditioner models in the market, it stands out for its user-friendly installation. Many competing models require more complicated procedures, additional tools, or professional assistance for proper installation. Hence, this product offers added convenience, particularly for individuals who prefer a hassle-free installation experience.


The installation process of the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner is straightforward and can be completed by most users. The step-by-step instructions, along with the included accessories, simplify the installation experience. However, non-standard window configurations, limited electrical experience, or physical limitations may require professional assistance. Overall, this product provides a convenient and user-friendly installation process when compared to similar offerings in the market.

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Noise Level


When it comes to noise level during operation, the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent air conditioner truly lives up to its name. Having used the product extensively, I can confidently say that it operates at an impressively low noise level, ensuring a peaceful ambiance in both indoor and outdoor environments.

  1. Comparative Analysis: In comparison to other models in the market, the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent stands out due to its exceptional noise reduction capabilities. While some air conditioners tend to create a disturbance with their loud operation, this model ensures a near-silent performance.

  2. User Comfort: Noise can significantly affect user comfort, especially when using an air conditioner at night for uninterrupted sleep. With the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent, I was delighted to witness its minimal noise emissions, which contributed to undisturbed sleep and overall user satisfaction.

  3. Sleep Quality Impact: Sleep quality is paramount, and the noise level of an air conditioner can directly impact it. The low noise level offered by the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent positively influenced my sleep quality, allowing me to fall asleep faster and wake up refreshed, thanks to its whisper-quiet operation.

  4. Drawbacks and Limitations: While the De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent excels in noise reduction, it is crucial to note that the degree of noise reduction may vary depending on the specifications of the room, installation, and maintenance of the unit. It is essential to follow the manufacturer's guidelines to ensure optimal noise reduction levels.

De'Longhi Pinguino PAC AN112 Silent presents an impressive noise-reducing performance, surpassing many other models, leading to enhanced user comfort and improved sleep quality.

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