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Dive Computers & Diving Instruments Guide

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Air integration


This function allows the device to monitor your air consumption in real-time, providing you with accurate information on your remaining air supply. An excellent example of a dive computer that offers air integration is the Suunto D5i Dive Computer. Equipped with a wireless tank pressure transmitter, it provides you with an easy-to-read display of your current tank pressure and calculates your remaining bottom time based on this data. Another top-notch option with air integration is the Oceanic VTX Dive Computer. This cutting-edge instrument not only displays tank pressure and air time remaining but also incorporates intuitive color coding to alert divers of low air situations at a glance. These dive computers bring a higher level of safety and peace of mind by giving divers access to critical air supply information throughout their underwater adventures.

Suunto Zoop Suunto Zoop Oceanic Sidescan II
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Nitrox compatibility


Nitrox is a breathing gas that has a higher oxygen content than regular air, offering divers many benefits such as longer dive times and shorter surface intervals. If you plan on diving with Nitrox, it's crucial to select a dive computer that supports this gas mixture.

In terms of Nitrox compatibility, some top choices include the Suunto D5 Dive Computer and the Shearwater Research Perdix AI Dive Computer. The Suunto D5 supports Nitrox diving up to 50% oxygen content and features a clear color screen, wireless tank pressure transmission, and a user-friendly interface. On the other hand, the Shearwater Research Perdix AI offers an impressive Nitrox range of 17-100% oxygen content, along with advanced features like trimix support and multiple dive modes. It also offers wireless air integration, allowing you to monitor your tank pressure directly on the computer. These dive computers are excellent options for Nitrox divers, providing the necessary support and functionality to enhance your diving experience.

Suunto D5 with USB cable black Suunto D5 with USB cable black Shearwater Perdix 2 Shearwater Perdix 2
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Trimix compatibility


Trimix is a breathing gas mixture that combines oxygen, nitrogen, and helium, commonly used for deep dives. Not all dive computers are compatible with Trimix, so it's crucial to choose a model that supports this gas blend.

One example of a dive computer with Trimix compatibility is the Shearwater Research Perdix AI. This versatile dive computer features a vibrant OLED display, customizable screens, and a high-capacity rechargeable battery. It supports up to 8 Trimix and nitrox gases, allowing divers to dive at extreme depths with precision and safety. Another option is the Suunto EON Steel, a robust and rugged Trimix-compatible dive computer with a bright color display, wireless air integration, and a durable stainless steel bezel. It also offers a range of customizable features and supports up to 10 gases, making it suitable for technical divers.

Suunto Tank Pod D5/Eon Core sender
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Dive log memory


The dive log memory refers to the device's ability to store and retain data from previous dives, including details such as dive profiles, depths, dive times, and temperature. It is important to choose a computer with sufficient memory capacity to accommodate your diving needs.

For those who take longer dives and enjoy collecting extensive dive data, computers with larger log memories are ideal. One such example is the Suunto EON Core, which offers a generous memory capacity of up to 200 hours of diving data. On the other hand, for divers who prefer a more compact and portable device with a smaller log memory, the Aqua Lung i200C is a great option with a capacity to store up to 24 dives. Other notable products with varying log memory capacities include the Shearwater Perdix AI (logs up to 1,000 hours of diving) and the Mares Smart Apnea (stores up to 36 dives). Consider your diving style and preference when selecting a dive computer or instrument with the appropriate dive log memory capacity.

Suunto Eon Core white Mares Smart Apnea black/blue
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Multiple gas support


This feature allows divers to switch between gas mixtures while diving, making it ideal for those who frequently dive with nitrox or trimix. One excellent example of a dive computer that offers multiple gas support is the Suunto D5. It not only supports up to three different gas mixtures, but also provides real-time gas switching, giving divers the flexibility needed for various diving scenarios. Another reliable option is the Shearwater Peregrine. With its multiple gas support up to five gas mixtures and intensity profiles, divers can customize their diving experience and be assured of accurate calculations during their dives.

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Backlight display


A backlight display is crucial for visibility in low light or dark diving conditions. Look for dive computers like the Suunto D5 Dive Computer, which features a vibrant and customizable color display with an LED backlight that ensures clarity even in limited visibility underwater. Another option is the Shearwater Research Teric Dive Computer, designed with a crisp AMOLED color display and adjustable intensity backlight, allowing divers to easily read the information during night dives. These products are not only equipped with backlight displays, but also offer advanced features for an enhanced diving experience.

Suunto D5 with USB cable black Suunto D5 with USB cable black
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Brightness adjustment


This feature allows divers to easily read the display in various lighting conditions, whether it's bright sunlight or low-light situations. Look for dive computers like the Suunto D5 that offer an adjustable LED backlight, ensuring clear visibility no matter the situation. The Mares Smart Air is another great option, with its high-contrast display and backlight function. Additionally, the Shearwater Teric stands out with its adaptive display technology, automatically adjusting brightness and contrast depending on the ambient light. All these options provide divers with optimal readability underwater, providing a safer and more enjoyable diving experience.

Mares Smart Air
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Digital compass


One excellent option is the Suunto D5 dive computer, which offers an integrated digital compass. This computer has a 3D digital compass with tilt compensation, enabling accurate navigation underwater. It also has a digital compass needle with an easy-to-read display to help divers maintain their course. Another great choice is the Garmin Descent Mk2i, which combines a dive computer with GPS functionality and a digital compass. This dive computer offers a three-axis compass with adjustable declination and digital bearing feature for precise navigation.

Grouping the products with digital compasses into different segments, we have entry-level options as well as advanced models. In the entry-level segment, the Suunto Zoop Novo is a popular choice. It features a user-friendly digital compass that provides divers with essential navigation information. For intermediate to advanced divers, the Suunto EON Core offers a highly customizable digital compass with the ability to view real-time marine compass and bearing information. Advanced divers might prefer the Shearwater Teric, which includes a tilt-compensated digital compass with both decimal and cardinal bearing indications for precise underwater navigation. These examples showcase the diverse range of dive computers available, offering something for divers of all experience levels.

Garmin Descent T1 Tankpod (12811) black Suunto Zoop Suunto Eon Core white
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Depth alarm


This alarm notifies you when you have reached certain depths during your dive, ensuring your safety and helping you adhere to your dive plan. There are various dive computers and instruments on the market that offer depth alarms with different features. For example, the Suunto D5 Dive Computer comes with configurable depth alarms that can be set to a minimum and maximum depth of your choice. It is also equipped with a visual and audible alarm to alert you when you reach the set depth limits. Another option is the Garmin Descent Mk2 Dive Computer that offers both ascent and descent rate alarms, as well as a customized depth alarm that can be set to warn you of specific depth intervals during your dive. These devices provide versatile depth alarm features to suit different diving preferences and needs.

Suunto D5 with USB cable black Suunto D5 with USB cable black Garmin Descent T1 Tankpod (12811) black
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Dive planner


A dive planner allows you to carefully plan and calculate your dive requirements to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience underwater. One notable example in the high-end category is the 'Suunto D5' dive computer, which features a reliable built-in dive planner that allows you to customize your dives and track multiple gas mixtures. It also has a convenient graphical display that provides clear visual representations of your planned and current dive profiles. For those looking for a mid-range option, the 'Mares Puck Pro Plus' dive computer offers an intuitive dive planner with a matrix-based model that enables precise dive calculations, along with the ability to plan repetitive dives. Lastly, in the entry-level category, the 'Cressi Leonardo' dive computer comes with a comprehensive dive planner that utilizes the RGBM algorithm for accurate calculations, including decompression stops and safety stops.

Mares Puck Pro+ blue/black Mares Puck Pro+ blue/black Cressi Leonardo Cressi Leonardo
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Decompression model


The decompression model determines how the computer calculates your dive profile and estimates the amount of time you need to spend at various depth intervals to ensure safe decompression. There are various decompression models, such as the Bühlmann ZH-L16C and the Gradient Factors, each with its own advantages and limitations.

For those who prefer a dive computer with the Bühlmann ZH-L16C decompression model, the 'Suunto EON Core' is an excellent choice. This compact and lightweight dive computer supports up to three gas mixes, and its clear and easily interpretable display ensures that you have all the necessary information at your fingertips during the dive. Alternatively, the 'Shearwater Peregrine' features the Gradient Factors decompression model and offers reliable and customizable decompression calculations. Its intuitive menu structure and large, easy-to-read display make it ideal for new and experienced divers alike.

Suunto Eon Core white Suunto Eon Core white

In terms of different segments of the market, the 'Garmin Descent MK2S' and the 'Suunto D5' appeal to divers seeking a dive computer that combines functionality with a stylish design. Both devices feature the Bühlmann ZH-L16C decompression model and offer a wide range of diving features. Additionally, the 'Shearwater Perdix AI' and the 'Atomic Cobalt 2' are particularly popular among technical divers thanks to their advanced capabilities, including support for multiple gas mixes and the ability to integrate with underwater transmitter pressure sensors.

Garmin Descent T1 Tankpod (12811) black
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Personalization options


You want a device that can be adapted to your specific needs and preferences. Some products on the market offer a variety of personalization features, such as adjustable screen brightness, customizable display modes, and the ability to switch between metric and imperial measurements.

For example, the Suunto D5 dive computer allows users to personalize the display with different color themes and customizable watch faces, ensuring a personalized dive experience. Similarly, the Garmin Descent Mk2 offers advanced personalization options, including the ability to customize dive modes and data fields. These devices provide the flexibility to set up your dive computer according to your specific preferences, enhancing your overall diving experience.

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Multi-button interface


Multi-button interfaces are user-friendly and allow for easy navigation during dives. Some great examples of dive computers with a multi-button interface include the Suunto D5 and the Garmin Descent Mk1.

The Suunto D5 features a 3-button interface that is intuitive and accessible underwater. It offers multiple modes, including air and nitrox, and has a color display that is easy to read even in low light conditions. Another option is the Garmin Descent Mk1, which also utilizes a multi-button interface. It has a bright, high-resolution display and includes features such as GPS navigation, heart rate monitoring, and compatibility with various sport profiles.

Garmin Descent T1 Tankpod (12811) black
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Audible alarm


This feature can alert divers to potential dangers or events, improving safety underwater. One example of a dive computer that offers a reliable and customizable audible alarm is the Suunto D5 Dive Computer. This computer provides audible alerts for safety stops, tank pressure levels, and ascent rate violations. It also offers the option to set depth and time limit alarms, ensuring divers are aware of their surroundings at all times. Another notable product is the Mares Genius Dive Computer, which includes a high-pitched audible alarm for dive time, no-decompression limits, ascent speed, and other safety-related indicators. These dive computers are just a few examples of the various products available on the market, each offering distinct audible alarm features tailored to the diver's specific needs.

Suunto D5 with USB cable black Suunto D5 with USB cable black Mares Genius
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Visual alarm


This alarm is designed to give you a clear and immediate visual indication whenever a certain limit or condition is reached during your dive. The Suunto Vyper Novo Dive Computer is an excellent choice in terms of visual alarm functionality. It includes an impressive range of alarms, such as Depth Alarm, Time Alarm, and Dive Time Remaining Alarm, which ensures you are promptly alerted to any potential issues underwater. Another option to consider is the Shearwater Research Teric Dive Computer. This advanced dive computer offers customizable screens and multiple alarm types, ensuring you have complete control over the visual indications specific to your diving needs.

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Depth gauge


The depth gauge allows divers to accurately measure their underwater depth and is essential for safety purposes. There are several great options available in the market, and two notable ones are the 'Suunto Zoop Novo' and the 'Mares Mission Puck 3 Console'.

The Suunto Zoop Novo is a user-friendly and intuitive dive computer that features a built-in depth gauge. This gauge displays the diver's current depth alongside a maximum depth indicator. It also includes backlit analytics for easy reading in darker conditions. The Mares Mission Puck 3 Console, on the other hand, is a versatile three-gauge console that includes a depth gauge. It comes with a maximum depth indicator and a dedicated reset button for easy tracking and resetting after each dive. Both options offer reliable depth measurements and durability, making them excellent choices for any diving enthusiast.

Suunto Zoop Suunto Zoop Mares Mission 3 Puck
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Temperature gauge


The temperature gauge allows divers to monitor the water temperature, which can affect their comfort and safety. Look for a dive computer or instrument that offers accurate temperature readings and is compatible with both Fahrenheit and Celsius. For divers who frequently explore cold water environments, a product like the Suunto D5 Dive Computer is a great choice. It features a built-in thermometer that can accurately measure the water temperature ranging from -20°C to 100°C (-4°F to 212°F). Another option is the Shearwater Research Teric Dive Computer, which not only provides accurate temperature readings but also offers a high-resolution color display, customizable information screens, and multi-gas capability.

In terms of product segments, there are options for both wrist-mounted dive computers and console-mounted instruments. Wrist-mounted dive computers like the Garmin Descent Mk2i and the Suunto EON Core are compact and stylish while offering reliable temperature measurements. Console-mounted instruments like the Oceanic ProPlus X and the Scubapro HD Leather Depth Gauge provide a larger display and typically include other features like a depth gauge and compass. Whether you prefer a wrist-mounted or console-mounted option, ensuring the dive computer or instrument you choose has a temperature gauge will help enhance your diving experience.

Suunto D5 with USB cable black Garmin Descent T1 Tankpod (12811) black Suunto Eon Core white
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Battery life


This will determine how long the device can be used underwater and ultimately impact your diving experience. It's important to look for dive computers and diving instruments that have a long battery life to ensure the device will last throughout your dive trips. One example of a dive computer with an impressive battery life is the Suunto D5. This compact wristwatch-style dive computer boasts up to 6 hours of dive time with a rechargeable lithium-ion battery. Another option is the Shearwater Research Petrel 2, which offers an average battery life of 30 hours based on medium brightness settings, ensuring extended diving excursions without worrying about battery levels. These two dive computers are just a couple of examples of products on the market that provide distinguished battery life for diving enthusiasts.

Shearwater Perdix 2 Shearwater Perdix 2
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Wireless connectivity


Wireless connectivity allows for seamless data transfer between your dive computer and other devices such as smartphones and computers. This enables you to easily download and analyze your dive data, track your dives, and share your experiences with fellow divers or dive instructors.

One excellent example of a dive computer with wireless connectivity is the Suunto EON Steel. This highly advanced dive computer offers Bluetooth connectivity, which allows you to easily connect it to your smartphone or computer for data transfer. The large and clear color display of the Suunto EON Steel provides easy readability, and its rechargeable battery ensures lengthy dive times without worrying about battery changes.

Another great option is the Shearwater Teric. This dive computer not only offers Bluetooth connectivity but also has a built-in rechargeable battery. With a bright full-color AMOLED display, the Shearwater Teric delivers excellent visibility even in challenging underwater conditions. Its wireless connectivity allows for direct interaction with their Shearwater Cloud, enabling you to upload and analyze your dive profiles effortlessly.

Suunto Tank Pod D5/Eon Core sender

In terms of wireless connectivity, some dive computers also offer the option of air integration for a more comprehensive diving experience. For example, the Garmin Descent Mk2i integrates wireless technology with its ability to pair with Garmin's Descent T1 transmitter. This allows the dive computer to display tank pressure, monitor supply levels, and indicate dive time remaining.

Garmin Descent T1 Tankpod (12811) black
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GPS tracking


GPS tracking allows divers to accurately track their location underwater, ensuring they do not get lost and can easily find their way back to the surface or designated dive sites. A great option in this category is the Suunto D5 Dive Computer. Equipped with an integrated GPS, it offers real-time location tracking and breadcrumb trail navigation, allowing divers to create and follow routes underwater. Another remarkable choice is the Shearwater Teric Dive Computer, which includes a built-in 3-axis compass with tilt-compensation and a highly accurate GPS receiver. These reliable GPS-enabled devices enhance diver safety and provide peace of mind during underwater adventures.

Suunto D5 with USB cable black Suunto D5 with USB cable black
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User-replaceable battery


This feature allows divers to easily replace the battery themselves, without having to send the device to a service center or dealer. User-replaceable batteries offer convenience and flexibility, ensuring your dive computer or diving instrument is always ready for use.

Several dive computers on the market come with this feature, such as the Suunto Zoop Novo, which offers a user-replaceable battery that lasts up to two years of diving. Another option to consider is the Oceanic ProPlus 4.0, which also includes a user-replaceable battery and boasts an impressive battery life of 300 dive hours. These dive computers offer divers the peace of mind that they can easily replace the battery themselves, eliminating the need for professional assistance or potential downtime for the device.

Suunto Zoop Suunto Zoop
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Mains charger compatibility


Many modern dive computers come equipped with rechargeable batteries that can be conveniently charged using a mains charger. Some popular models that feature mains charger compatibility include the Suunto D5, Shearwater Perdix AI, and Garmin Descent Mk2i. These dive computers allow you to easily charge the battery by simply plugging in the included mains charger. Additionally, the Suunto Eon Steel and Shearwater Teric are renowned for their mains charger compatibility, offering the convenience of recharging without the need for constant battery replacements. When selecting a dive computer or diving instrument, be sure to check for mains charger compatibility to ensure effortless charging and uninterrupted diving experiences.

Garmin Descent T1 Tankpod (12811) black
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Quick disconnect fitting


This feature allows for seamless and effortless connection and disconnection of your diving equipment. A dive computer with a quick disconnect fitting ensures that you can easily attach it to your console or wrist strap, minimizing any hassle during preparation for your dive.

One example of a dive computer with a quick disconnect fitting is the 'Suunto D5'. This wrist-mounted dive computer comes with multiple strap options and a detachable silicone strap for quick and easy removal or replacement. Another option is the 'Shearwater Teric' dive computer, which features a stainless steel quick disconnect fitting for secure and hassle-free attachment to your equipment. By considering products with quick disconnect fittings, you can enhance the convenience and efficiency of your diving experience.

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Dive time display


This display indicates the duration of your dive, allowing you to track your bottom time accurately and stay within safe limits for decompression. Some dive computers offer a digital dive time display, where the time is shown numerically, while others provide a graphical representation of your dive profile.

If you prefer a dive computer with a digital display, the Suunto Zoop Novo is an excellent choice. It presents the dive time prominently on its large screen, ensuring you can easily read it underwater. Alternatively, if you prefer a graphical representation, the Mares Smart Air features a multi-color segmented display, which visually indicates your dive profile, including dive time and depth. Both of these dive computers offer user-friendly interfaces and have adjustable settings to match your diving preferences.

Suunto Zoop Suunto Zoop Mares Smart Air

Other products in the market can be grouped into entry-level dive computers, advanced dive computers, or technical dive computers. Entry-level options, such as the Cressi Leonardo, are suitable for new divers who prioritize simplicity and ease of use. Advanced dive computers, like the Shearwater Peregrine, offer enhanced features and data logging capabilities, ideal for experienced divers looking for more functionality. For technical divers, the Suunto EON Steel provides advanced technical diving options and customization.

Cressi Leonardo Suunto Tank Pod D5/Eon Core sender
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Dive time remaining


This feature provides divers with information on how much longer they can stay at a certain depth before needing to ascend to avoid decompression sickness. The Suunto D5 dive computer is a great option to consider. It offers a colorful, customizable interface that displays important dive data, including the remaining no-decompression dive time, which is calculated based on your depth and nitrogen levels. Another noteworthy choice is the Oceanic Geo 4.0 dive computer, renowned for its easy-to-use interface and comprehensive dive planning features such as automatic adjustment for altitude diving. The dive planning features of both these dive computers enable divers to enjoy a safe and immersive underwater experience.

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Safety stop reminder


This feature is designed to ensure that divers make a mandatory safety stop during ascent to prevent decompression illness. The importance of a safety stop reminder cannot be overstated, as it provides a vital safeguard for divers. One exemplary product that provides this feature is the Suunto Zoop Novo Dive Computer. This dive computer not only offers a visual safety stop countdown timer but also gives audible alarms when approaching and during the safety stop. Another option to consider is the Mares Puck Pro Dive Computer, which also includes a safety stop function with a countdown timer and audible alarms. These dive computers are part of the entry-level segment, making them perfect choices for novice divers who prioritize safety during their dives.

Suunto Zoop Suunto Zoop Mares Puck Pro+ blue/black Mares Puck Pro+ blue/black
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Surface time displayed


This refers to the duration of time that the diver should allow for their body to off-gas nitrogen before ascending to the surface. Look for dive computers that provide accurate and easily readable surface time displays. For example, the Suunto D5 Dive Computer features a clearly visible surface time countdown, allowing divers to calculate the required surface interval based on their previous dive. Another option is the Oceanic Versa Pro Dive Computer, which provides an easy-to-read surface time display with a countdown timer and allows the diver to track their off-gas time accurately.

In term of different market segments, dive computers can be categorized into recreational dive computers, technical dive computers, and advanced dive computers. Recreational dive computers are suitable for entry-level divers and emphasize user-friendliness and simplicity. Examples of dive computers in this category include the Cressi Leonardo Dive Computer and the Mares Puck Pro Dive Computer. On the other hand, technical dive computers are designed for advanced divers engaging in more complicated dives, such as deep dives, dives with decompression stops, or dives involving mixed gases. Products like the Shearwater Research Teric Dive Computer or the Apeks VX1 Dive Computer fall into this category. Advanced dive computers, such as the Suunto D6i Dive Computer or the Garmin Descent Mk2i Dive Computer, combine multiple features like air integration and surface GPS navigation to cater to professional or avid divers.

Suunto D5 with USB cable black Cressi Leonardo Mares Puck Pro+ blue/black Garmin Descent T1 Tankpod (12811) black
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Vibration alerts


These alerts can be crucial in red-flag situations or when visibility is poor, as they allow divers to rely on tactile feedback instead of solely relying on visual or audible cues. For divers who value this feature, the Suunto EON Core Dive Computer is an excellent choice. It incorporates a vibrational alert system along with a bright, easily readable display. In the functional dive computer segment, the Shearwater Perdix AI is also worth considering. It offers a customizable vibration alert system that divers can personalise according to their preferences and requirements.

Suunto Eon Core white Suunto Eon Core white
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Water resistance


It is crucial that the device is designed to withstand deep submersion and exposure to water pressure to ensure its reliable functionality underwater. Look for the products that have a higher water resistance rating to ensure their suitability for various diving activities. For example, the Suunto D5 Dive Computer is designed to be water-resistant up to 100 meters, making it an excellent choice for recreational divers. Similarly, the Garmin Descent Mk2i boasts a water resistance rating of 330 feet, making it suitable for professional divers exploring deeper waters. Additionally, the Shearwater Research Teric is rated to be water-resistant up to 200 meters, providing reliability and peace of mind during deep dives. These products offer superior water resistance and durability, allowing divers to confidently venture into different depths without worrying about damage to their dive computers or diving instruments.

Suunto D5 with USB cable black Suunto D5 with USB cable black Garmin Descent T1 Tankpod (12811) black
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Clock display


A reliable and accurate clock is essential for keeping track of dive times and surface intervals. One example of a dive computer with a high-quality clock display is the Suunto D5. This dive computer features a digital clock display with both 12-hour and 24-hour time formats. It also has a stopwatch function, which can be useful for timing specific underwater activities or for monitoring dive durations.

Another option to consider is the Garmin Descent MK2i. This dive computer offers a customizable clock display that can be set to show either analog-style or digital-style time. It also has a countdown timer feature, which can be utilized for tracking decompression stops or surface intervals. Additionally, the Garmin Descent MK2i has a built-in alarm function, ensuring that you are always aware of important time intervals during your dives.

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Data transfer capability


This feature allows the diver to easily download and analyze their dive data on a computer or mobile device. Some dive computers offer wireless Bluetooth connectivity, while others may use USB or infrared connections for data transfer. One example of a dive computer that offers excellent data transfer capability is the Suunto D5 Dive Computer. It is equipped with wireless Bluetooth connectivity, ensuring seamless transfer of dive data to the Suunto app on your smartphone or tablet. Another option is the Shearwater Peregrine Dive Computer, which offers both wireless Bluetooth and USB connectivity for data transfer. Additionally, the Garmin Descent Mk2i Dive Computer includes both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi capabilities, allowing divers to effortlessly download their dive logs for analysis. These dive computers provide divers with the convenience of analyzing their dive data in detail and tracking their progress over time.

Suunto D5 with USB cable black Garmin Descent T1 Tankpod (12811) black
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Wrist or hose mountable


Wrist or hose mountable dive computers and diving instruments are popular choices among divers due to their convenience and ease of use. They allow divers to have essential information readily accessible on their wrists or hoses, enabling quick and easy monitoring of time, depth, temperature, decompression limits, and logbook data.

One excellent example of a wrist mountable dive computer is the Suunto D5. It offers a full-color display, which provides clear and intuitive visuals even in low light conditions. Additionally, its wrist strap is comfortable and adjustable, ensuring a secure fit for most divers. On the other hand, for hose mountable options, the Shearwater Research Teric is a highly recommended choice. This dive computer can be mounted on either an AI (Air Integrated) hose or transceiver, providing divers with real-time information about gas pressure and consumption. It also boasts a bright, easy-to-read display with customizable screens, making it an ideal option for technical divers.

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Display customization options


Having the ability to personalize the display to suit your preferences can greatly enhance your diving experience. Some dive computers on the market offer color displays, which provide clear visibility and easy-to-read information. For example, the Suunto EON Core dive computer allows users to customize the color screen with various display styles and data fields. Another option is the Shearwater Research Teric, which offers highly customizable screens with intuitive menus and easy-to-read fonts. These dive computers allow divers to tailor the display to their liking, making it easier to access important information underwater.

Suunto Eon Core white Suunto Eon Core white
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Hotkey access


Hotkey access allows divers to navigate quickly through the device's interface, making it easier to access important features and functions underwater. One dive computer that stands out for its excellent hotkey access is the Suunto D5. This dive computer features three direct press buttons that enable divers to access the main features effortlessly. The Suunto D5 also has a unique digital compass with tilt compensation, making it even more convenient for underwater navigation. Another great example is the Garmin Descent MK2i. This dive computer offers diver-friendly hotkeys that allow easy access to the important functions like changing gas mixes and transitioning between dive profiles. The MK2i also includes a built-in, highly sensitive GPS and multiple connectivity features for enhanced divers' experience. With these options, divers can focus on their diving experience rather than struggling to find the right buttons or features.

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Fortunately, there are options available in every price range, making it easier to find something that fits your budget. For those looking for a budget-friendly option, the 'Cressi Leonardo' dive computer is a great choice. Priced at around $200, it offers all the essential features a beginner or recreational diver would need. On the other hand, for advanced divers willing to invest a bit more, the 'Suunto D5' is a great mid-range option. With a price tag of approximately $699, this dive computer boasts a vibrant color screen, wireless connectivity, and customized dive modes, making it ideal for divers who want advanced functionality without breaking the bank.

Cressi Leonardo Cressi Leonardo Cressi Leonardo
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Variety of brands


Different brands offer their unique features and specifications, catering to the needs of various diving enthusiasts.

For instance, Suunto is a well-known brand that produces high-quality dive computers. Their models like the Suunto D5 and Suunto EON Core are popular choices. These computers offer features like customizable diving modes, color displays, and wireless connectivity to other devices. Suunto is known for its user-friendly interface and reliable depth and temperature readings. However, their dive computers can be on the pricey side.

Another brand to consider is Shearwater Research, which is recognized for its advanced technology and durability. The Shearwater Perdix AI and Shearwater Teric are sought-after products among tech-savvy divers. These computers come with features like air integration, multiple gas support, and wireless charging. However, Shearwater products tend to have a steeper learning curve and may be better suited for experienced divers.

Lastly, Oceanic is a brand that offers a range of affordable dive computers suitable for recreational divers. Models like the Oceanic ProPlus X and Oceanic Geo 4.0 offer features such as a robust display, intuitive user interface, and user-replaceable batteries. Oceanic dive computers may not have as many advanced features as other brands, but they are reliable, easy to use, and great for budget-conscious divers.

Suunto Eon Core white

In summary, choosing the right dive computer and diving instrument involves considering the variety of brands available in the market. By understanding the pros and cons of different brands like Suunto, Shearwater Research, and Oceanic, divers can make an informed decision based on their specific needs and preferences.

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